Increasing numbers of people are taking up canyoning. Most people who have some experience canyoning have abseiled, jumped from a variety of heights and negotiated water slides and siphons mostly under controlled conditions.
It is important to be constantly aware that conditions within canyons are unpredictable and quick to change. It is essential to have more than a basic knowledge of canyoning techniques to keep safe. This course is intended to equip you with skills which will help you anticipate and avoid possible dangers.
PROVISIONAL DATES: Ask for information
This course is designed to impart a basic level of knowledge of safety techniques, rope management, progression and self-rescue, to allow participants to enjoy canyoning safely and autonomously. Completion of the course in no way prepares participants for the responsibilities of guiding a group.
During the course, participants will be challenged to find solutions to different problem scenarios, which could conceivably occur while canyoning. These problems should be adequately overcome in order to be able to complete the course.
Rope work practice in Peña Castibián: rescue and self
rescue techniques
Canyoning: L’Aigüeta de Eriste or a similar itinerary
Prices include:
In the case of a group of 2:
In the case of a group of 3:
In the case of a group of 4:
In the case of a group of 5 to 8: